
Port Related Feasibility Study Published

Recent research completed by the Circular Ocean project partners in Greenland, Ireland, Norway and Scotland, has shown a fragmented picture of the issues surrounding waste nets and ropes (FNR’s).

Within each of the four countries there are different levels of fishing activity undertaken, with the number of ports, harbours and landing areas varying significantly. Generally, there appears to be a lack of data on the collection and recycling of FNR’s in each of the countries, however it appears common that FNR’s are stockpiled or stored on harbours, particularly in the case of Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP) nets and ropes, rather than Nylon, for which their seems to be an established market.

The research also investigated port-related innovation systems, companies and products, in order to evaluate the potential opportunities for establishing eco-innovative business clusters.

The report is based on a series of unpublished national port-related feasibility studies focused on the collection and recycling of waste fishing nets and ropes (FNRs). Read the full summary document on our research page here